Thursday, November 14, 2013


May Kincheloe
August 20, 1920---June 10, 2013

           Did you ever meet someone with whom you felt a kinship right away? Well, I did. Her name was May Kincheloe. Little did I realize that autumn evening in 1975 the influence this woman would have in my life.

          Soon after we moved to Twin Falls, ID, we applied to be foster parents. A social worker named Erma Shropshire asked May to give me a ride to a foster parents’ meeting. After the meeting, May and I sat in her car in front of my house and talked for over an hour.
        I can’t really say what it was that made me feel close to this woman I had just met; but I felt comfortable with her and felt I could talk about anything. Maybe it was because she was the same age as my oldest sister or maybe it was our mutual love of children. Whatever it was, it was the beginning of a wonderful friendship that lasted more than three decades.
           When I met her, May and her husband, Harvie, had reared their three children who were all married with their own children. As empty-nesters, May and Harvie became foster parents and they had a small in-home daycare as well.
          As I became acquainted with her,